Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Sick Baby

After two days of off-and-on high fever, Emma woke up this morning with a nasty cough and runny nose. Her little head must be really stuffed up because her balance seems to be affected. She's really tippy, and instead of crawling, she's inching around with her belly flat on the floor. On the plus side, she is eating well and doesn't have a fever. For now, I don't think she needs to see the doctor, but I'm really playing it by ear. If she develops a fever, starts vomiting, or becomes really unhappy (she's in good spirits right now) then we'll visit the doctor right away.

Please pray for my little one to feel better soon!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey MS. Sorry to hear Emma isn't feeling well. Hopefully she will be feeling better soon. Hey I'm wondering if you can send me video of as your mom puts it her growling grand baby. I find that extremely funny and need video proof. Hope things are well there. Talk to you later.
