Thursday, May 24, 2007

Summer Days

It has been so hot here lately. Emma gets sweaty and cranky. She just, crawls around in her diaper all day. Sometimes I wet my hands and run them down over her limbs to help keep her cool. I am hoping we get our pool opened soon. I can't wait to introduce her to swimming! I have been keeping an eye out for some age appropriate pool toys for her. I'd also like to get her a swing for her swing-set outside, I think the daredevil in her would appreciate swinging in the evenings.

I've also been letting her sip cool water from my own glass. She doesn't really need it, but she enjoys having some of what mommy's got. I have been thinking long and hard, and I am pretty sure I don't want to give Emma sippy cups to tote around. I realize this isn't the norm, but she does so well sipping from a normal glass, that I don't really see the point of buying sippy cups.

Not only that, I think it's annoying when kids are always toting a cup and a container with snacks in it. I can't see why people just don't offer their children snacks and drinks every two hours. Having food available all the time just doesn't seem overly healthy and I think it encourages compulsive eating. If the snack is there, they eat for entertainment and just because they can. I would rather not encourage that kind of thinking and behavior.

We'll see how that goes...


Tricia said...

Even though we live closer to y'all now, we don't see you too often, so I'm glad we can keep up on Emma's developments on here. In that picture she already looks so much older than I remember from last time I saw her.

Becca wears just her diaper inside for a lot of the day too right now. She sleeps in just her diaper at night and nap time too. She'd rather be in just her diaper than have clothes on too.

I do know other parents who have chosen the no sippy cup route. If I could do it again with Becca, I'd just buy one or two really nice stainless steel ones instead of the many plastic ones we have. The Playtex ones aren't so bad--at least they don't leak. As Becca got closer to a year and then past a year old, it was nice to have a sippy cup around. I like having her have water available in the car and I'd rather not clean up her diluted juice that she drinks at breakfast and her milk for lunch and dinner. Becca does use small plastic regular cups for water at home and does pretty well on her own now.

I can see your concern about compulsive and overeating. Having a cup of water available all day long is healthy, I think, to promote good hydration (after you start breastfeeding less, that is). Offering them small meals or snacks every two hours is a great way to go and encourages grazing or eating small portions slowly instead of binging on big meals. Becca has always been pretty good about telling me when she is hungry (by asking for something like a tortilla or raisins or an apple) and I almost always give her something if she asks, even if it is just a few raisins. I figure she is smart and knows when she is hungry, and as long as she is asking for healthy food, why not give it to her?

Whew...sorry for the long comment. :)

Melissa Heigl said...

Sippy cups for the car is a good idea. I thought of that once before, but then forgot. I will definitely invest in at least one stainless sipper for travel.

Since I am with Emma every minute of every day I am hoping to be able to get her to sit down and drink frequently.

I am planning on doing organized and healthy snacks every 2 hours (or more) as needed. My goal is to always have sit-down snack times. I want to teach her to use utensils and proper etiquette. If she asks for healthy food or water, I'll always provide what she needs.

Have you tried any stainless cups yet? Do you have anything that doesn't leak?

Tricia said...

I'm going to order one of the Klean Kanteen ones soon, I think. The one that goes with the Avent sippy part. I'll let you know if we like it. Here is the link:

Tricia said...

I also found it here at for $3 less on sale: