Saturday, August 25, 2007

Of Cars and Kisses!

Yesterday our little Butter-Sausage started giving kisses. While this should be endearing, it's is actually quite scary. Emma does not know how to "pucker" up for her kisses. Instead, she opens her mouth wide (displaying four sharp teeth!) and acts like she's about to bite your cheek. Thankfully, she doesn't actually bite. After pressing her open mouth against my cheek, she finishes up the kiss with an overly-enthusiastic "HONK" which isn't always safe for noses!

While we're on the topic of biting. Emma bit Daddy a few days ago. While this in itself is unremarkable, what happened next was (to us, anyway). Emma is teething and she's trying to help herself feel better by biting. She has been getting in trouble for biting Mommy, but she often forgets and has to be reminded that biting people is not acceptable. Daddy was at his computer the other day minding his own business. Emma was standing at his knee. She turned and bit him, but immediately realized that what she'd done. As Daddy jumped and started to yell. Emma put her head on his knee and started to whimper. Her bottom lip was even quivering. She was trying hard not to cry. I called Emma to me to comfort her. She came to me, but kept looking worriedly at Daddy who tried to smile at her and let her know that he wasn't angry anymore. After I set her back down, she crawled back to Daddy. She looked at the place on his knee where she'd bit him, and started gently patting it with her hand and cooing comfortingly. What a sweet little girl she can be!

Yesterday while we were outside swimming, Emma saw a car go by. This is not an extremely common occurrence on our road and Emma was quite impressed. She raised her hand to wave and yelled "Gar!" Not perfect, but a darn good attempt! She kept yelling "Gar, GAR" every few minutes while waiting for another vehicle to come down our road.

Lately Emma has been a joy to be around. This surprises me, as she's cutting several teeth at once. It's so much easier when she can start understanding what's going on around her. I used to think that she was extremely stubborn and strong-willed, but I've revised that opinion completely. What I had mistaken for obstinacy was really insatiable curiosity. Emma is very sensitive; she hates to get be in trouble. She also requires only verbal reprimand when she's doing something she shouldn't.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have to say I LOVE those first wide mouthed baby kisses. I love the feel of that baby drool on my cheek. It's just so pure and completely loving. It's one of my favorite parts of the first year of life. Of course, there also is nothing like your toddler grabbing your cheeks with his/her hands and saying, "mommy give me a kiss!" and then smooching you! Ahh the joys of motherhood - enjoy Melissa!